Indonesian Cassava Leaves: A Nutritious and Flavorful Delight

Discover the unique taste of Indonesian Cassava Leaves, known for their rich flavor . Perfect for soups, stews, and salads, they bring authentic Indonesian flavors to your table. Exclusively for pickup.

PrisNOK47,90 inkl. mva.
På lager: 80 stk.
På lager: 80 stk.
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Explore the rich and nutritious flavors of our Indonesian Cassava Leaves, a staple in traditional Indonesian cuisine. These leaves are packed with vitamins and minerals, offering a slightly earthy taste that enhances a variety of dishes. Ideal for soups, stews, and salads, they bring authentic Indonesian flavors straight to your table. Exclusively available for pickup. Enjoy this nutritious and flavorful component of Indonesian cooking!


  • Kassavablader

Næringsinformasjon (per 100g):

  • Energi: 300 kJ / 72 kcal
  • Proteiner: 5 g
  • Karbohydrater: 11 g, hvorav sukkerarter: 0 g
  • Fett: 1 g, hvorav mettet fett: 0,3 g
  • Kostfiber: 2 g
  • Natrium: 15 mg


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